dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2014


El departament d'anglés i els alumnes de 1r curs de Desenvolupament d'aplicacions web, us recomanen aquests llibres que tracten al voltant de temes informàtics i que podeu llegir en llengua anglesa. Hi ha per a tots els nivells, enjoy!

Genre: Adventure
Level: Medium
Words: 600-900 Headwords
Tony Baker arrives at school one day, only to find that somebody has hacked into the school’s computer system, using his library code. Then Tony’s mother gets a letter from the Town Hall saying she must pay £10,000 for repair work to her bookshop. The letter is signed ‘Charles Smith’, but Tony discovers that Charles Smith does not exist. Who is the mysterious hacker and who sent the letter? Tony is determined to find out, but how?

The best non-hacking book ever” I can not put it down. It's not a Hackers How-to book AT ALL. The author of the book, Dan Verton, followed around about 9 different teenage hackers and profiles their lives and what/why they hack. I think it's a GREAT book. It's well worth every penny. I think it's a great concept to know what goes on "behind the scenes".


Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier is a 1997 book bySuelette Dreyfus, researched by Julian Assange. It describes the exploits of a group of Australian, American, and British black hat hackers during the late 1980s and early 1990s, among them Assange himself.

Channel to the future (4th eso)

Sixteen-year-old Jordan Connelly has got a very special remote control. It allows to watch the future on his new tv set! Very funny and easy book about sci-fi.

MEN IN BLACK An outrageous mixture of comedy and science fiction, the film, Men in Black, was one of the most successful films of 1997. This Penguin Reader is based on J J Gardner’s book of the film which loses none of the surprises and maintains the same crazy humour. This is a wonderful story for teenagers – and for adults

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