dijous, 3 d’abril del 2014


JIN-WOO YANG LEVEL-B1 (Spain, 1st Baccalaureate HU) 2nd term 2014

Face tells you everything
Hello, my name is Jin-Woo. I want to tell you guys about our faces. Do you know that your face tells your fortune?
First, your nose is part of wealth. If your nose is big, it means that you can earn much money in the future. But if your nostril is easy to be seen, we can say that your money is getting out through your nostril. Be careful your money is falling ;)
Second, your forehead shows your future life. Let’s touch our forehead. Is it flat and smooth? Congratulation!! You will have a wonderful life in the future. However, if your forehead is bumpy and rough, in the future hardship and difficulty is waiting for you. But don’t worry time flies with your hardships.
Lastly, the most important part is eye. Someone calls that eyes are your window, I mean; we can know everything with someone’s eye. Eyes tell us our life expectancy. Eyes that are enough deep and thin will live to a great age. On the other hand, big eyes mean have a tight life. Ahhh~ now I understand why Asians have high average life expectancy!!
Well, there are many different types of fortune telling all around the world. Do you know any interesting type of fortune telling?

JORDI MONZONÍS LEVEL-B1 (Spain, 1st Baccalaureate TC) 2nd term 2014

Hello again from Spain, my name is Jordi and I’m going to talk about Internet and the addiction of teenagers to him.
Today 90% of households have a computer and Internet. At school, in the coffee shop, in the neighbor house ... You can even connect from the mobile and chatting with friends, watch videos on YouTube, visit social networks,... this is all very, but also causes addiction to mobile and social networks.
Each day increases adolescent addiction to Internet, but also has good things because you can find information for class work or if you have not understood something at school you can try to search about it on internet. I think that the Internet has good and bad things and we should learn to use them as best we can.
What do you think about using the Internet?
How many hours do you spend a day on the Internet?
What do you think there are good things on the Internet? And bad things?

JORDI MONZONÍS LEVEL-B1 (Spain, 1st Baccalaureate TC) 1st term 2014


Hello from Spain I would want to talk about animal abuse, something that affects me a 

lot and makes me angry and I think it is a problem that we can all solve.

Today there are millions of abandoned pets in the world, pets are hungry, trust, warmth, 

loneliness, Pets that are not guilty of the cruelty of their owners and are not to suffer 

 neglect and abuse.

I’m tired of seeing cats, dog, abandoned in my city; many people buy dogs because they 

are cute and they grow bored of them and simply leave. Many people care for these 

abandoned pets, but it is not enough we must all contribute our support and stop 

 abandoning pets because they are no longer cute, I wonder:

How do you feel when you see stray animals?

What could you do to fix it?
Would you adopt a pet from the street?

Why not adopt instead of buying?

CRISTINA CHIVA LEVEL- A2 (Spain, 3rd Secondary School)
2nd term 2014


Hello, I'm Cristina and I'm 14.
In my free time I go to "Youth house Serendipia" 
It's a place where I've met many people.
They do activities that we like.
For exemple, in the 1st trimester we did theatre.
On 14th December we acted and many people went to look it!
Maybe we'll act in Valencia or Barcelona. They're important places!
It's fun that the people can do the activities that we like it!
In "Youth HouseSerendipia" also do activities like sing, play an instrument, dance, trips,... but I don't do all!
At the first year we were 12 persons and now we're more than 40!
I hope that never finish this history, the history of a teenager group that we want change the world!
Thanks for read!

1 comentari:

  1. Congratulations Jin Woo and Jordi. I've just read yours articles and I think that they are very interesting.
    Your Valencian teacher, Xelo.
